Here, inclusion of the mixed race subject not only reifies the dominance of whiteness, but also further otherizes blackness.

In the narrative about mixed race bodies that Allure weaves, identity is individualized, privatized and depoliticized. The mixed race subject is included in the institution of beauty, but this comes at the cost of others. Here, inclusion of the mixed race subject not only reifies the dominance of whiteness, but also further otherizes blackness. This inclusion also hinges upon racialized and gendered paradigms of bodily essentialism. While mixed people may be welcomed into the institution of beauty, it is under specific stipulations. Mixed race identity is defined as inherently different from all other racialized groups, as necessarily part-white, as socially and racially flexible, and as inherently beautiful.

Clara Younge, “Faces of the Future: Race, Beauty and the Mixed Race Beauty Myth” (2012). Macalester College Honors Projects. Paper 8.
