We Named Our Son Lincoln: A Testimony Against Racial Injustice

We Named Our Son Lincoln: A Testimony Against Racial Injustice

ChicagoNow: The Family Table
Chicago, Illinois

Amy Negussie
Lincoln Park, Chicago

I have been debating writing about race & Ferguson the few weeks since the announcement was made that Darren Wilson was not indicted. Then came the further blow of the Eric Gardner case. As I read what others write, I struggle over whether there is anything that I can add. But if anyone might read this and listen really, listen to what I say I have to say write:

I married a black man. We named our son Lincoln David Negussie. Lincoln for Abraham Lincoln abolisher of slavery, David for my brother and my family meaning beloved, and Negussie for his African grandfather’s name meaning king.

Despite my own family’s multiracial aspect, I am guilty of racism, I am a part of the sinful racist system. Do I want to be? No…

…My hope and my prayer is that my multiracial son will be a part of uprooting injustice as his namesake was, and that in his day we will see an end to the epidemic of incarcerating (and even killing) black youth for petty crimes for which white youth often get slapped on the wrist…

Read the entire article here.

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