Constructing Whiteness: Regulating Aboriginal identity

Posted in Anthropology, Canada, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Native Americans/First Nation on 2010-11-16 21:31Z by Steven

Constructing Whiteness: Regulating Aboriginal identity

University of Toronto
93 pages
Publication Number: AAT MR59722
ISBN: 9780494597224

Rebecca Boock

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts Graduate Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education Ontario Institute for Studies in Education University of Toronto

Curricula in classrooms facilitate a national amnesia of colonialism that renders inconceivable the possibility of Aboriginal heritage or mixed-blood presence in national subjects. This thesis examines my own family history alongside the Indian Act and discourses of multiculturalism. I provide a personal account for the ways in which Aboriginal identities are regulated in Canada. I examine how glorified white settler narratives—reproduced through both formal and informal schooling—work to displace Aboriginal peoples as the original inhabitants of the land. I argue that this facilitates ongoing Canadian colonialism that continues to circumvent the possibility of particular mixed-blood Aboriginal identities within the confines of national belonging. Citizenship education in the Toronto District School Board is situated as a mechanism of formal schooling that continues to negate the ongoing colonization of Aboriginal people so that mixed-race Aboriginal students may continue to assume themselves as white subjects within the nation.

Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: Rendering Whiteness: Making National Belonging White
  • Chapter Two: National Benevolence and the Erasure of Canadian Colonialism
  • Chapter Three” Citizenship Education: Reinscribing Whiteness
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

Read the entire thesis here.

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Spaces of Multiraciality: Critical Mixed Race Theory

Posted in Canada, Course Offerings, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Social Science on 2010-04-27 03:58Z by Steven

Spaces of Multiraciality: Critical Mixed Race Theory

University of Toronto
Geography  (B.A.) Program
Course Number: GGRD19H3
From Tiger Woods to Mariah Carey, the popular mixed race phenomenon has captured the popular imagination and revealed the contradictory logic of categorization underpinning racial divisions. We will explore the complexities of racial identity formation to illuminate the experiences of those who fall outside the prevailing definitions of racial identities.

For more information, click here.

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Multiracial Men in Toronto: Identities, Masculinities and Multiculturalism

Posted in Canada, Dissertations, Identity Development/Psychology, New Media, Social Science on 2010-03-05 02:03Z by Steven

Multiracial Men in Toronto: Identities, Masculinities and Multiculturalism

Masters Thesis of Education
Department of Sociology and Equity Studies in Education
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Danielle Lafond
University of Toronto

This thesis draws from ten qualitative semi-structured interviews with multiracial men in Toronto. It is an exploratory study that examines how participants experience race, masculinities and identities. Multiracial identities challenge popular notions of racial categories and expose processes of racialization and the shifting nature of social identities. I explore how gender impacts participants’ experiences of multiple, fluid or shifting racial identities, and the importance of context in determining how they identify themselves. Participants also discussed the impact of multiculturalism and their understandings of racism in Canada. There were differences in the experiences of Black multiracial men and non-Black multiracial men in terms of how gender and race impact their lives. These differences imply that the colour line in Canada is shifting and that categories like ‘whiteness’ are being redefined. Analyses of these topics are taken up from an anti-racist and critical mixed race studies perspective.

Read the entire thesis here.

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