Diversity is Me (survival guide for mixed race people)

Posted in Books, Identity Development/Psychology, Monographs, New Media, Teaching Resources on 2011-02-11 01:54Z by Steven

Diversity is Me (survival guide for mixed race people)

Lulu Publishing
212 pages
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-557-54051-8
Also available in PDF Format

Vanessa Girard

As human beings we all share a spirit that demands identity, acknowledgment and regard. It is in the attempts to meet these demands that we encounter road blocks toward self-discovery. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? As we seek answers to these questions, perceptions come alive and often trick us. The results: We form nebulous identities. Our self-esteem becomes skewed. We stereotype. We oppress and thus cultivate oppressors. Compound these innate human tendencies with the confusion and uncertainty we people of mixed ancestry face, and the challenge can become emotionally insidious. The purpose of this book is to acknowledge people of mixed race and to encourage you to embrace every part of yourself, and in the process cultivate a healthy self-esteem and inner peace. This book is not about passing; it is about Being.

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