Are you a mixed-race/Biracial/Multiracial man looking to participate in research?

Posted in Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States, Wanted/Research Requests/Call for Papers on 2022-07-25 03:04Z by Steven

Are you a mixed-race/Biracial/Multiracial man looking to participate in research?

Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts

Athena Erickson, Ph.D. Student, Clinical Psychology
Men’s Well-Being Research Group

We are conducting a study to understand the ways in which biracial and multiracial (mixed-race) men think about and experience being a man compared to men of a single race. Participation includes responding to a short demographics questionnaire and answering interview questions relevant to your experiences as a man who has membership in your particular racial group(s). Interviews will either be held over Zoom or at Clark University, in a private office in the Department of Psychology (Jonas Clark Hall). All interviews will be audio-recorded and subsequently stored in secure electronic files. Audio recordings will not contain identifying information. You are free to not answer any questions that you do not want to, and all results of the study will be kept confidential. Participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may stop taking part at any point. The whole study is expected to take 1-2 hours.

WHO: We are recruiting men who identify as:

  1. Mixed-race/biracial/multiracial (men whose biological parents belong to different socially defined racial groups)
  2. 18+ years old

COMPENSATION: As a way of thanking participants for their time, participants will be compensated with a $15 (USD) Amazon gift card at the end of the study.

CONTACT: If interested, please email: Athena Erickson at:

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The Groundbreaking Talent of Anne Wiggins Brown

Posted in Arts, Biography, Media Archive, United States, Women on 2022-07-17 21:08Z by Steven

The Groundbreaking Talent of Anne Wiggins Brown

Amistad Research Center
New Orleans, Louisiana

On September 30, 1935, soprano Anne Wiggins Brown stepped onto the stage at the Colonial Theatre in Boston. It was the much anticipated world premiere of George Gershwin’s new “folk opera,” and a big moment for the young vocalist. Far from just a lucky break, this was a major opportunity that Brown had carved out for herself, the culmination of years of work. For the past two years, she had spent many long days completing her classes as a graduate student at the Juilliard School (she had been the first African American student admitted there after auditioning at age 15), and then traveling down to meet with Gershwin and work on new material for his show. In a bold moment, the twenty-one year old had written the composer a letter after reading news of his new project. Once he heard her sing, Gershwin not only included her in his production, but in his writing process, eventually developing her character into a co-lead and a career-defining role for Brown. And thus the story of DuBose Heyward’s Porgy became known to the world as Porgy and Bess

Read the entire article here.

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