10 Most Amazingly Bizarre Paintings of Obama on Etsy

Posted in Articles, Arts, Barack Obama, Media Archive on 2014-01-16 20:04Z by Steven

10 Most Amazingly Bizarre Paintings of Obama on Etsy

Houston Press
Houston, Texas

Jef With One F

As Houston Press’ bizarre Etsy art expert, I thought I’d see how a nation of crafty lunatics would portray our commander-in-chief. The answer is somewhere between “awesomely” and “needs medication badly.”

Mike and Mollie took the title commander-in-chief a little too literally, and here we have Barack Obama looking like a cross between a Bjork dress and Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. The weirdest part is he sports a hammer and sickle button, and if anyone can explain to me where the Soviet Union and Native American heritage intersect then kindly let me know in the comments which mental health facility is offering the free wifi you’re using to view this…

…This piece is described by Psychic Unicorns as imagining our president as the cult cinema anti-hero John Shaft. I choose to describe it as, “President Obama’s purple rage will leave thugs riddled with bullets as he rings the bell of liberty.” Seriously, this is a lot of freakin’ purple. Are we sure Prince didn’t do this…

Read the entire article here.

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