Morning Joe finally admits GOP ‘radicalization’ is ongoing racist backlash to Barack ObamaPosted in Articles, Barack Obama, Communications/Media Studies, Media Archive, Politics/Public Policy, United States on 2021-12-07 18:55Z by Steven |
Morning Joe finally admits GOP ‘radicalization’ is ongoing racist backlash to Barack Obama
Raw Story

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough has finally come around to admitting that Republicans’ radicalization was a racist backlash against the election of Barack Obama.
The “Morning Joe” host, a former Republican himself, said he had long been skeptical of that notion, but he said the evidence had become too obvious to deny.”I have been a skeptic for quite some time that the election of Barack Obama was such a shock to so many white Americans that they just never got over it,” Scarborough said.
“I was always a skeptic of that. I saw his election, even though they didn’t agree with him ideologically on a lot of things. I saw that as a moment that all Americans — Republicans and Democrats, conservatives and liberals — could stop and go, ‘Wow, okay, the United States of America is the first majority white country that elected a Black man as their leader,’ something to celebrate.”…
Read the entire article here.