A Black-white, biracial life is one of immense alienation

Posted in Articles, Autobiography, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States on 2021-09-11 18:31Z by Steven

A Black-white, biracial life is one of immense alienation

The Gazette
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Nichole Shaw, Editorial Fellow

Nichole Shaw

The United States bombards its constituents with stories surrounding the division between white and Black culture, livelihoods, experiences, politics, social class and economic hierarchy. Being biracial in a world that starkly contrasts the division of white and Black means being at war with oneself, never truly feeling that you belong to either group. Rather, the biracial condition can leave a person stranded in a gray continuum, a place where only those who are neither accepted or rejected are subject to ridicule, pity, envy and hate — both for their mixed color but “tainted” soul. They struggle with the weight of white privilege and systemic racism, among a continuing list of complex identities that complicate the ways in which they aim to fit into the box society constructs for stereotypical racial roles.

The condition of a Black-white biracial life is one of immense alienation…

Read the entire article here.

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