The Myths of Transcending Race and Post-Racialism

Posted in Articles, Barack Obama, Media Archive, Social Science, United States on 2013-04-04 21:04Z by Steven

The Myths of Transcending Race and Post-Racialism

Wendell Griffen, Visiting Professor of Law
William H. Bowen School of Law
University of Arkansas, Little Rock

Rather than speaking about a color-blind or “post-racial” society, the pundits and other observers of the Obama election should hope that it marks a society committed to “post-racism.”

Barack Obama understands and accepts his racial identity, as any reader of his books will know. Yet, his writings also demonstrate that Obama does not consider his racial identity something to be transcended. He is a black man in a multi-racial world, and is as comfortable with his biracial identity as his blood type. Neither factor defines Obama’s character, intellect, political skills or world view. The idea that Obama “transcends” his racial identity is as absurd as stating that Obama “transcends” being left-handed.

What the talk about Obama “transcending race” and that his election signals the start of a “post-racial era” actually demonstrates is our poor understanding about the impact of cultural incapacity and racism, be it conscious or unconscious, on even supposedly informed analysis and reflection about human conduct. The truth is that racial minority group members are not prevented from success because of their race. Racial identity does not make a person more or less thoughtful, articulate, gracious, civil, and competent. However, people have historically used racial identity to reward some people with unmerited advantages, while penalizing others with unmerited disadvantages, in the ongoing competition for power, wealth and influence in the United States.

Obama’s election marks the first time in U.S. history when racial identity has not worked that way. However, we should not distort its meaning by declaring that Obama somehow “transcended race,” was a “post-racial candidate,” or that his election has birthed a “post-racial era.” As long as we think that racial identity must be “transcended,” rather than considered merely an incident of humanity, race will continue to be a social construct used for issuing unmerited rewards and penalties to people we consider culturally different…

Read the entire article here.

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