A Code To Live By In Appalachia

Posted in Articles, Audio, History, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, Tri-Racial Isolates, United States on 2013-01-31 20:50Z by Steven

A Code To Live By In Appalachia


Mary Helen Miller, Producer/Reporter
WUTC, 88.1 FM
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga

with help from:
Viki Merrick, Editor

There may come a day when races are so blended as to be irrelevant, but not yet. For our first 2012 Transom Donor Fund piece, producer Mary Helen Miller explores the racial identity of Melungeons in Appalachia. It’s not an easy task to come up with a definition, as it turns out, even in the age of DNA. The truth of heritage can be tough to admit for some. Mary Helen’s piece will clear things up for you, as clear as possible anyway, and includes a trip to the 16th annual Melungeon Reunion in Big Stone Gap, Virginia.Jay Allison, Producer/Editor/Founder

About A Code To Live By In Appalachia
“Mysterious” is probably the first word most people associate with the Melungeons. They were a mixed race group that settled in southern Appalachia in the late 1700s. They lived in their own communities, separate from their white neighbors. Some stayed in those communities as late as the mid-20th century.

The oldest generations of Melungeons had a striking look: dark skin, straight black hair, blue eyes. Nobody knew where they had come from or how, exactly, they ended up in the mountains along the Tennessee-Virginia border. Melungeons themselves often explained their distinct looks by claiming Native American or Portuguese ancestry. But their white neighbors would sometimes claim they had African heritage.

The mystery of the Melungeon people drew me in, just like it’s drawn in so many others. Growing up in Tennessee, I remember my mom occasionally mentioning the Melungeons. Whatever remarks she made always seemed to end with: “… and nobody knows where they’re from. Isn’t that something?”
Recently, a little googling led me to Jack Goins, the force behind the Melungeon DNA Project. Jack is a retired TV salesman in Hawkins County, Tennessee, who is descended from Melungeons. He’s been gathering DNA samples from other descendants to try to get some answers about Melungeon ancestry…

Read the entire article here. Download/Listen to the episode (00:16:56)  here.

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The Silly Debate Over Whether Obama is Black or Mixed-Race

Posted in Barack Obama, Media Archive, Politics/Public Policy, Social Science, United States on 2013-01-31 19:58Z by Steven

The Silly Debate Over Whether Obama is Black or Mixed-Race

The Huffington Post

Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Political Analyst and Social Issues Commentator

Presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama gave the best answer to the question whether he’s black, mixed race or something in between. He recently told a Chicago fundraiser crowd that to some he wasn’t black enough, and he then promptly added that others say he might be too black. He’s right; the knock against him has either been that he is too black or not black enough, not that he is too mixed race or not mixed race enough. Despite his occasional references to his white mother and grandmother, Obama by his own admission has never seen himself as anything other than being black. He says that’s it been that way since he was 12. It’s that way for those whites who flatly say that they won’t vote for him because he’s black. His Democratic primary losses to Hillary Clinton in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky showed there are legions of white voters who feel that race does matter to them. Few have said that they oppose him because he’s mixed race.

Yet, the silly debate continues to rage over whether Obama is the black presidential candidate or the multi-racial candidate. The debate is even sillier when one considers that science has long since debunked the notion of a pure racial type. In America, race has never been a scientific or genealogical designation, but a political and social designation. Put bluntly, anyone with the faintest trace of African ancestry was and still is considered black, and treated accordingly. Their part-white ancestry doesn’t give them a pass from taxis refusing to stop for them, clerks following them in department stores, from being racial-profiled by police on street corner stops, from landlords refusing to show them an apartment, or being denied a promotion. The mixed race designation doesn’t magically make disappear the countless other racial sleights and indignities that are tormenting reminders that race still does matter, and matter a lot to many Americans…

Read the entire article here.

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Hafu: The Film

Posted in Asian Diaspora, Census/Demographics, Identity Development/Psychology, Media Archive, United States, Videos on 2013-01-31 19:37Z by Steven

Hafu: The Film

Hafu: The Film

Megumi Nishikura, Director, Producer and Cinematographer

Lara Perez Takagi, Director, Producer and Cinematographer

Marcia Yumi Lise, Thematic Advisor

Jilann Spitzmiller, Executive Producer

Aika Miyake, Editor

Winton White, Music

Dear Friends,

A belated happy new years to you! We have been quietly busy these past few months but have many great announcements to share with you.

Our first screening date has been set! On April 5th we will be screening at the Japan American National Museum in Los Angeles. Filmmakers Lara and Megumi will be present at the post-screening discussion afterwards. Seats are limited so RSVP your spot today.

The screening is part of the 5-day Hapa Japan Festival, which celebrates the stories of the growing number of mixed-Japanese in the US. For those in Los Angeles area this event is not to be missed!…

For more information, click here.

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Race Relations in Virginia & Miscegenation in the South, 1776-1860

Posted in Books, History, Media Archive, Monographs, Slavery, United States, Virginia on 2013-01-31 04:29Z by Steven

Race Relations in Virginia & Miscegenation in the South, 1776-1860

University of Massachusetts Press
362 pages
ISBN-10: 0870230506; ISBN-13: 978-0870230509

James Hugo Johnston (1891-1974), Professor of History
University of Virginia


    • 1. Friendly Relations
    • 2. Violent Relations
    • 3. Free Negro Relations
    • 4. The Humanitarians
    • 5. The Growth of Antislavery
    • 6. The Convention of 1829 and Nat Turner’s Insurrection
    • 7. The Intermixture of Races in the Colonial Period
    • 8. The Problem of Racial Identity
    • 9. The White Man and His Negro Relations
    • 10. The Status of the White Woman in the Slave States
    • 11. Indian Relations
    • 12. Mulatto Life in the Slave Period
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Machado de Assis: Multiracial Identity and the Brazilian Novelist

Posted in Biography, Books, Brazil, Caribbean/Latin America, Identity Development/Psychology, Literary/Artistic Criticism, Media Archive, Monographs, Slavery, Social Science on 2013-01-31 02:18Z by Steven

Machado de Assis: Multiracial Identity and the Brazilian Novelist

Penn State University Press
336 pages
6 x 9, 1 illustration
Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-271-05246-5

G. Reginald Daniel, Professor of Sociology
University of California, Santa Barbara

Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839–1908) was Brazil’s foremost novelist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. As a mulatto, Machado experienced the ambiguity of racial identity throughout his life. Literary critics first interpreted Machado as an embittered misanthrope uninterested in the plight of his fellow African Brazilians. By midcentury, however, a new generation of critics asserted that Machado’s writings did reveal his interest in slavery, race, and other contemporary social issues, but their interpretations went too far in the other direction. Reginald Daniel, whose expertise on Brazilian race relations gives him special insights, takes a fresh look at how Machado’s life—especially his experience of his own racial identity—was inflected in his writings. The result is a new interpretation that sees Machado as endeavoring to transcend his racial origins by universalizing the experience of racial ambiguity and duality into a fundamental mode of human existence.

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Recent Decisions: Constitutional Law: Miscegenation Laws

Posted in Articles, Law, Media Archive, United States on 2013-01-31 01:26Z by Steven

Recent Decisions: Constitutional Law: Miscegenation Laws

Marquette Law Review
Volume 48, Issue 4 (Spring 1965)
pages 616-620

C. Michael Conter

Constitutional Law: Miscegenation Laws: The defendants were convicted under section 798.05 of the Florida statutes, which prohibited nighttime cohabitation of the same room by a Negro and a white of different sexes.

On appeal, their conviction was affirmed by the Florida Supreme Court in McLaughlin v. Florida because it felt bound by the decision of the United States Supreme Court in Pace v. Alabama and the decisions of many state courts upholding similar statutes. Both Pace and McLaughlin involve nearly corresponding statutory schemes. The Alabama statutes applicable in the Pace decision not only contained a statute which prohibited fornication by persons of different races, but also a general non-racial fornication statute. Similarly, the Florida statutes, aside from prohibiting interracial cohabitation, held adultery and fornication by people of the same race a crime.

Due to the established precedent and the similarities of the two situations, the Florida court adopted the Pace reasoning that the statute, although it contained racial classifications, was not discriminatory because both the Negro and the white received the same punishment. Secondly, the court viewed the offense committed by persons of different racial descent as an entirely distinct offense from one committed by persons of the same race, and one to which the general sections of the statutes are applicable. Therefore, the Florida court found that both the statutes are necessary in order to enforce the legislative purposes involved…

..The validity of the antimiscegenation law itself could also be questioned under the fourteenth amendment by requiring the showing of a reasonable legislative purpose for its enactment. There is serious doubt that any valid reason could be shown for this type of statute. In fact, the three basic arguments which are often advanced to support these statutes; namely, that the children of these marriages would be inferior, that social tensions and domestic problems are lessened, and that psychological hardships to the offspring are avoided, have been discredited. Therefore the application of a reasonable legislative purpose test would most likely lead to a finding of unconstitutionality under the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment, especially since the usual presumption of a valid legislative purpose is not applied to cases dealing with racial classifications.

However, a better approach might be to recognize that the right of the individual to marry is a fundamental right, protected under the clear and present danger test. Surely it is a right which can be considered as important to the individual as is his right to own property or his freedom of speech. The United States Supreme Court has acknowledged that marriage and procreation are fundamental to the very existence and survival of the race.

This test has been applied to the right of the individual to own property, mentioned in the first part of the fourteenth amendment. Another right mentioned in this part of the amendment is the right to liberty, to which the clear and present danger test has also been applied. The right to marry has been recognized as being embodied in the concept of liberty under the fourteenth amendment…

Read the entire article here.

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Race and Indigeneity in the Life of Elisha Apes

Posted in Articles, History, Media Archive, Oceania, United States on 2013-01-31 01:13Z by Steven

Race and Indigeneity in the Life of Elisha Apes

Volume 60, Number 1 (Winter 2013)
pages 27-50
DOI: 10.1215/00141801-1816166

Nancy Shoemaker, Professor of History
University of Connecticut

This essay examines cultures of racial categorization in New England and New Zealand through the life of one migrant, Elisha Apes, the younger half-brother of the radical Pequot Indian writer William Apess, who preferred to spell the family name with a second s. Elisha Apes settled in New Zealand in 1839 and married a Māori woman of the South Island. Their six children came to be labeled “half-castes” in the language of the nineteenth-century New Zealand state. If half-caste had been a term in New England, it would have been applied to Elisha Apes, for he was indeed of mixed descent. However, in New Zealand, where native referred to the Māori only, Apes’s native origins elsewhere had no bearing. His status as a foreigner who came to settle in New Zealand cast him into the same category as New Zealand’s European/white population.

Read or purchase the article here.

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