Half-white, half-Asian, but no less Irish
The Irish Examiner
Dublin, Ireland
Dean Van Nguyen

Half white, half Asian Dubliner Dean Van Nguyen speaks to other mixed-race Irish people in their twenties and thirties about growing up in a primarily white culture, being subjected to racist taunts, and coming to terms with their own sense of self.
Who am I? It’s a simple question, but one we as human beings frequently ask ourselves – it defines our sense of self identity, from childhood right throughout our lives, and can play a major role in shaping the people we become.
When it comes to self-concept, there are some obvious factors that we know from an early age just by examining our circumstances.
For generations of people born in Ireland, many of the key questions seemed pre-answered: You were Irish. You were white. You were Christian.
As African-American comedian Reginald D. Hunter joked at a Vicar Street gig in 2011, Ireland is “where they make white people”.
While the country is becoming ever more pluralist as we get deeper into the 21st century, for those of mixed-race now in their twenties and thirties, the answers to these questions of self-identity have been less simple…
Read the entire article here.