Unmaking Race and Ethnicity: A Reader
Oxford University Press
512 Pages
7-1/2 x 9-1/4 inches
Paperback ISBN: 9780190202712
Edited by:
Michael O. Emerson, Provost and Professor of Sociology
North Park University
also Senior Fellow at Rice University’s Kinder Institute for Urban Research
Jenifer L. Bratter, Associate Professor of Sociology; Director of the Program for the Study of Ethnicity, Race, and Culture at the Kinder Institute for Urban Research
Rice University, Houston, Texas
Sergio Chávez, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Rice University, Houston, Texas

Race and ethnicity is a contentious topic that presents complex problems with no easy solutions. (Un)Making Race and Ethnicity: A Reader, edited by Michael O. Emerson, Jenifer L. Bratter, and Sergio Chávez, helps instructors and students connect with primary texts in ways that are informative and interesting, leading to engaging discussions and interactions. With more than thirty collective years of teaching experience and research in race and ethnicity, the editors have chosen selections that will encourage students to think about possible solutions to solving the problem of racial inequality in our society. Featuring global readings throughout, (Un)Making Race and Ethnicity covers both race and ethnicity, demonstrating how they are different and how they are related. It includes a section dedicated to unmaking racial and ethnic orders and explains challenging concepts, terms, and references to enhance student learning.
Table of Contents
- Preface
- UNIT I. Core Concepts and Foundations
- What Is Race? What Is Ethnicity? What Is the Difference?
- Introduction, Irina Chukhray and Jenifer Bratter
- 1. Constructing Ethnicity: Creating and Recreating Ethnic Identity and Culture, Joane Nagel
- 2. The Racialization of Kurdish Identity in Turkey, Murat Ergin
- 3. Who Counts as “Them?”: Racism and Virtue in the United States and France, Michèle Lamont
- 4. Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race, Tomás R. Jiménez
- Why Race Matters
- Introduction, Laura Essenburg and Jenifer Bratter
- 5. Excerpt from Racial Formation in the United States From the 1960s to the 1990s, Michael Omi and Howard Winant
- 6. Structural and Cultural Forces that Contribute to Racial Inequality, William Julius Wilson
- 7. From Traditional to Liberal Racism: Living Racism in the Everyday, Margaret M. Zamudio and Francisco Rios
- 8. Policing and Racialization of Rural Migrant Workers in Chinese Cities, Dong Han
- 9. Why Group Membership Matters: A Critical Typology, Suzy Killmister
- What Is Racism? Does Talking about Race and Ethnicity Make Things Worse?
- Introduction, Laura Essenburg and Jenifer Bratter
- 10. What Is Racial Domination?, Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer
- 11. Discursive Colorlines at Work: How Epithets and Stereotypes are Racially Unequal, David G. Embrick and Kasey Henricks
- 12. When Ideology Clashes with Reality: Racial Discrimination and Black Identity in Contemporary Cuba, Danielle P. Clealand
- 13. Raceblindness in Mexico: Implications for Teacher Education in the United States, Christina A. Sue
- UNIT II. Roots: Making Race and Ethnicity
- Origins of Race and Ethnicity
- Introduction, Adriana Garcia and Michael Emerson
- 14. Antecedents of the Racial Worldview, Audrey Smedley and Brian Smedley
- 15. Building the Racist Foundation: Colonialism, Genocide, and Slavery, Joe R. Feagin
- 16. The Racialization of the Globe: An Interactive Interpretation, Frank Dikötter
- Migrations
- Introduction, Sandra Alvear
- 17. Excerpt from Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945, George J. Sánchez
- 18. Migration to Europe since 1945: Its History and Its Lessons, Randall Hansen
- 19. When Identities Become Modern: Japanese Emigration to Brazil and the Global Contextualization of Identity, Takeyuki (Gaku) Tsuda
- Ideologies
- Introduction, Junia Howell
- 20. Excerpt from Racism: A Short History, George M. Fredrickson
- 21. Understanding Latin American Beliefs about Racial Inequality, Edward Telles and Stanley Bailey
- 22. Buried Alive: The Concept of Race in Science, Troy Duster
- Unit III. Today: Remaking Race and Ethnicity
- Aren’t We All Just Human? How Race and Ethnicity Help Us Answer the Question
- Introduction, Adriana Garcia
- 23. Young Children Learning Racial and Ethnic Matters, Debra Van Ausdale and Joe R. Feagin
- 24. When White Is Just Alright: How Immigrants Redefine Achievement and Reconfigure the Ethnoracial Hierarchy, Tomás R. Jiménez and Adam L. Horowitz
- 25. From Bi-Racial to Tri-Racial: Towards a New System of Racial Stratification in the USA, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva
- 26. Indigenism, Mestizaje, and National Identity in Mexico during the 1940s and the 1950s, Anne Doremus
- The Company You Keep: How Ethnicity and Race Frame Social Relationships
- Introduction, William Rothwell
- 27. Who We’ll Live With: Neighborhood Racial Composition Preferences of Whites, Blacks and Latinos, Valerie A. Lewis, Michael O. Emerson, and Stephen L. Klineberg
- 28. The Costs of Diversity in Religious Organizations: An In-Depth Case Study, Brad Christerson and Michael O. Emerson
- The Uneven Playing Field: How Race and Ethnicity Impact Life Chances
- Introduction, Ellen Whitehead and Jenifer Bratter
- 29. Wealth in the Extended Family: An American Dilemma, Ngina S. Chiteji
- 30. The Complexities and Processes of Racial Housing Discrimination, Vincent J. Roscigno, Diana L. Karafin, and Griff Tester
- 31. Racial Segregation and the Black/White Achievement Gap, 1992 to 2009, Dennis J. Condron, Daniel Tope, Christina R. Steidl, and Kendralin J. Freeman
- 32. Differential Vulnerabilities: Environmental and Economic Inequality and Government Response to Unnatural Disasters, Robert D. Bullard
- 33. Racialized Mass Incarceration: Poverty, Prejudice, and Punishment, Lawrence D. Bobo and Victor Thompson
- Unit IV. Unmaking Race and Ethnicity
- Thinking Strategically
- Introduction, Junia Howell and Michael Emerson
- 34. The Return of Assimilation? Changing Perspectives on Immigration and Its Sequels in France, Germany, and the United States, Rogers Brubaker
- 35. Toward a Truly Multiracial Democracy: Thinking and Acting Outside the White Frame, Joe R. Feagin
- 36. Destabilizing the American Racial Order, Jennifer Hochschild, Vesla Weaver, and Traci Burch
- Altering Individuals and Relationships
- Introduction, Horace Duffy and Jenifer Bratter
- 37. A More Perfect Union, Barack Obama
- 38. What Can Be Done?, Debra Van Ausdale and Joe R. Feagin
- 39. The Multiple Dimensions of Racial Mixture in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: From Whitening to Brazilian Negritude, Graziella Moraes da Silva and Elisa P. Reis
- Altering Structures
- Introduction, Kevin T. Smiley and Jenifer Bratter
- 40. The Case for Reparations, Ta-Nehisi Coates
- 41. “Undocumented and Citizen Students Unite”: Building a Cross-Status Coalition Through Shared Ideology, Laura E. Enriquez
- 42. Racial Solutions for a New Society, Michael Emerson and George Yancey
- 43. DREAM Act College: UCLA Professors Create National Diversity University, Online School for Undocumented Immigrants, Alyssa Creamer
- Glossary
- Credits